Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 7, 2021

How big data shapes your ability to get a loan

How big data shapes your ability to get a loan

It has never been easier for your bank to see how much you are spending.

Data mining by financial institutions that provide high visibility of your spending can result in a better deal on a loan – if you are perceived as low risk.

Financial institutions often scrutinize income, spending, debts, as well as credit ratings, to assess risk levels to determine if a customer is suitable for a loan.CREDIT:

However, it is a double-edged sword. Using big data to track spending habits also raises questions about whether banks penalise customers by withholding loans for perceived frivolous spending.

When opening a bank account or applying for a credit card, you often hand over your name, address, payslips, number of dependents, spending data and employment history.

Each time you swipe a credit card, you provide more information on spending patterns, including what products you buy and for how much.

Financial institutions often scrutinize this information as well as income, debts, as well as credit ratings, to assess risk levels to determine if a customer is suitable for a loan.

In fact responsible lending laws require financial institutions to “take reasonable steps to verify a consumer’s financial situation” and they are becoming more adept at collating customer data.

The Australian Banking Association says spending patterns are scrutinised when customers apply for loans. “Banks assess a customer’s income and expenses as part of a customer-initiated loan application or request,” a spokesman says.

Banks also now offer app-based trackers, designed to help us categorise our spending, right down to our morning coffee. But these same trackers could make that spending visible to the very same financial institution from which you may later apply for a mortgage.

The new open banking regime will see even more data shared between financial institutions, with express permission from customers.

The system is designed to help customers clear one of the major obstacles to switching to another credit provider to get a better deal, by simplifying the information gathering process to provide to a rival lender, thereby creating greater competition.

Many financial institutions track our spending patterns with the help of big data techniques, says Professor Elizabeth Sheedy, a banking risk expert at Macquarie University.

“A bank with a better ability to analyse expense information could potentially make a better offer to customers who have ‘good’ spending habits,” Prof. Sheedy says.

However, data mining also opens up a possibility that a lender may choose to withhold a financial product after incorrectly deeming a potential customer is not a good risk.

Sydney mortgage broker Samuel Philipos has seen banks mistakenly categorise spending when scrutinising data, leading to loan refusals.

“Unexpected one-off expenses are sometimes automatically included without looking into the full circumstances of a client,” he says.

“A recent loan application was declined due to Christmas spending – even though it was just seasonal and not ongoing across the year,” he says. “The issue with looking at historical transactions is that it does not take into account future spending changes.”

Banks often use automatic retrieval systems that analyse data for three to six months to place averages for various types of spending, he says.

However, clients that do not have a mortgage and decide to go on a holiday may have a very different budget from clients that have a mortgage, Philipos says. The system does not provide an understanding of a borrower’s individual circumstances.

Professor Sheedy agrees, adding that past spending does not take into account someone’s motivation to adapt to a change in financial circumstances, such as the additional impost of taking out a mortgage.
“High discretionary spending now doesn’t necessarily mean you are a bad credit risk. Many people would choose to cut back on their expenses if their circumstances changed,” she says.

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