Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 12, 2019

How Computer Vision Works

Reasons Why AI Development Project Fail?

Reasons Why AI Development Project Fail?

In this article, explore reasons why AI solutions development projects fail, such as not enough data, etc.

When thinking about starting your AI project, you’re likely feeling a combination of excitement and concern. Wow, this can be amazing. All the success stories, the numbers of sales increase, revenue many opportunities! But on the other hand, what if it goes wrong? How can you mitigate the risk of wasting time and money on something that just isn’t viable at all? There are so many questions, there’s so much hope, and (hopefully) there’s a plan. Bright future ahead of us, am I right? Well, a recent white paper released by Pactera Technologies states that 85% of AI projects fail. Oops.

“But it won’t be me” — you might say. It won’t, or it will, there’s no way to tell now. You can hope for the best but nothing exempts you from strategic thinking. Be well-informed, be prepared, be advertent.

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